Saturday, December 31, 2011

Iran missile test delayed, navy commander says

Iran's senior navy commander denied state media reports that the Islamic Republic had test-fired long-range missiles during a naval drill on Saturday, saying the missiles would be launched in the coming days.

Mahmoud Mousavi told Iran's English-language Press TV "the exercise of launching missiles will be carried out in the coming days."

The semi-official Fars news agency had earlier reported that Iran had test-fired long-range and other missiles during the exercise on Saturday.

Also Saturday, another Iranian news agency reported that Tehran's nuclear negotiator would write to the European Union offering to resume nuclear talks with major powers.

The 10-day naval drill in the Gulf began last week as Iran showed its resolve to counter any attack by enemies such as Israel or the United States.

Iran tracks US aircraft carrier amid tension

Tehran threatened on Tuesday to stop the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz in the Gulf if it became the target of an oil embargo over its nuclear ambitions, a move that could trigger military conflict with countries dependent on Gulf oil.

Tensions with the West have risen since the U.N. nuclear watchdog reported on Nov. 8 that Iran appears to have worked on designing an atomic bomb and may still be pursuing research to that end.

Iran writes to EU foreign affairs chief
The semi-official Mehr news agency quoted a senior official as saying that nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili would write to EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton to express Tehran's readiness for fresh nuclear talks with major powers.

"Jalili will soon send a letter to Catherine Ashton over the format of negotiations ... then fresh talks will take place with major powers," said Iran's ambassador to Germany Alireza Sheikh Attar.

Talks between Iran and the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France, plus Germany (P5+1) stalled in January.

Story: US Navy warns Iran: Hormuz disruption 'will not be tolerated'
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The EU is considering a ban ? already in place in the United States ? on imports of Iranian oil, although diplomats and traders say awareness is growing in the EU that such a ban could damage the bloc's economy without doing much to hurt Iran.

Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi said imposing sanctions on Iran's oil exports would lead to a leap in prices.

"Undoubtedly the price of crude will increase dramatically if sanctions are imposed on our oil ... It will reach at least over $200 per barrel," the Aseman weekly quoted Qasemi on Saturday as saying.

During military drills in 2009, Iran test-fired its surface-to-surface Shahab-3 missile, said to be capable of reaching Israel and U.S. bases in the Middle East.

Washington has expressed concern about Tehran's missiles, which include the Shahab-3 strategic intermediate-range ballistic missile with a range of up to 1,000 km (625 miles), the Ghadr-1 with an estimated 1,600 km range and a Shahab-3 variant known as Sajjil-2 with a range of up to 2,400 km.

Iranian media have said the latest naval exercise differed from previous ones in terms of "the vastness of the area of action and the military equipment and tactics that are being employed".

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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US to Iran:?Oil disruption 'will not be tolerated'

The U.S. Navy's 5th fleet Wednesday warned Iran that any disruption of traffic flowing through the vital Strait of Hormuz oil route "will not be tolerated."

The warning came after Iran's navy chief Habibollah Sayyari told Iran's English language Press TV that "closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran's armed forces is really easy ... or as Iranians say it will be easier than drinking a glass of water."

"But right now, we don't need to shut it as we have the Sea of Oman under control and we can control the transit," said Sayyari, who is leading 10 days of exercises in the Strait. His reference to control was unclear.

In response, 5th Fleet spokeswoman Lt. Rebecca Rebarich said, "Anyone who threatens to disrupt freedom of navigation in an international strait is clearly outside the community of nations; any disruption will not be tolerated."?

The U.S. Navy is "always ready to counter malevolent actions to ensure freedom of navigation," she said.

Rebarich declined to say whether the U.S. force had adjusted its presence or readiness in the Gulf in response to Iran's comments, but said the Navy "maintains a robust presence in the region to deter or counter destabilizing activities, while safeguarding the region's vital links to the international community."

At the Pentagon, Press Secretary George Little also said that Iranian interference with passage of vessels through the strategic waterway "will not be tolerated," NBC News reported.

Little said that blocking naval traffic through the Strait represents "an important issue for security and stability in the region," and called the Strait "an economic lifeline."

Iran's fears
Sayyari's warning underline Iranian concern that the West is about to impose new sanctions that could target Tehran's vital oil industry and exports.

Western nations are growing increasingly impatient with Iran over its nuclear program. The U.S. and its allies have accused Iran of using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to develop nuclear weapons. Iran has denied the charges, saying its program is geared toward generating electricity and producing medical radioisotopes to treat cancer patients.

The U.S. Congress has passed a bill banning dealings with the Iran Central Bank, and President Barack Obama has said he will sign it despite his misgivings. Critics warn it could impose hardships on U.S. allies and drive up oil prices.

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The bill could impose penalties on foreign firms that do business with Iran's central bank. European and Asian nations import Iranian oil and use its central bank for the transactions.

Iran is the world's fourth-largest oil producer, with an output of about 4 million barrels of oil a day. It relies on oil exports for about 80 percent of its public revenues.

Iran has adopted an aggressive military posture in recent months in response to increasing threats from the U.S. and Israel that they may take military action to stop Iran's nuclear program.

Iran's navy is in the midst of a 10-day drill in international waters near the strategic oil route. The exercises began Saturday and involve submarines, missile drills, torpedoes and drones. The war games cover a 1,250-mile (2,000-kilometer) stretch of sea off the Strait of Hormuz, northern parts of the Indian Ocean and into the Gulf of Aden near the entrance to the Red Sea as a show of strength and could bring Iranian ships into proximity with U.S. Navy vessels in the area.

Iranian media are describing how Iran could move to close the strait, saying the country would use a combination of warships, submarines, speed boats, anti-ship cruise missiles, torpedoes, surface-to-sea missiles and drones to stop ships from sailing through the narrow waterway.

Iran's navy claims it has sonar-evading submarines designed for shallow waters of the Persian Gulf, enabling it to hit passing enemy vessels.

The Fifth Fleet consists of 20-plus ships supported by combat aircraft, with 15,000 people afloat and another 1,000 ashore.

A closure of the strait could temporarily cut off some oil supplies and force shippers to take longer, more expensive routes that would drive oil prices higher. It also potentially opens the door for a military confrontation that would further rattle global oil markets.

Iran claimed a victory this month when it captured an American surveillance drone almost intact. It went public with its possession of the RQ-170 Sentinel to trumpet the downing as a feat of Iran's military in a complicated technological and intelligence battle with the U.S.

American officials have said that U.S. intelligence assessments indicate the drone malfunctioned.

About the Strait of Hormuz:

Location: The most important oil transit channel in the world is a narrow bend of water separating Oman and Iran. It connects the biggest Gulf oil producers, such as Saudi Arabia, with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. At its narrowest point, the strait is only 21 miles across and consists of 2-mile-wide navigable channels for inbound and outbound shipping and a 2-mile-wide buffer zone.

Oil shipments

  • Flows through the Strait in 2009 were roughly 33 percent of all seaborne traded oil (40 percent in 2008), or 17 percent of oil traded worldwide, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
  • Some 15.5 million barrels passed through in 2009, according to the U.S. EIA. U.S. warships patrol the area to ensure the safe passage.
  • The bulk of the oil exported through the Strait of Hormuz travels to Asia, the United States and Western Europe. About three-quarters of Japan's oil imports and about 50 percent of China's pass through this strait.
  • An additional 2 million barrels of oil products, including fuel oil, are exported through the passage daily, as well as liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Other shipments: Merchant ships carrying grain, iron ore, sugar, perishables and containers full of finished goods also pass through the strategic sea corridor en route to Gulf countries and ports such as Dubai.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Google+ to hit 100 million by February: expert

Paul Allen

By Athima Chansanchai

As 2011 ends, Google+ is poised to cross the 100 million user threshold by February, a feat that took Facebook four years to do.

Avid Google+ watcher and founder Paul Allen (not to be confused with the Microsoft co-founder) has become something of an unofficial tracking source for G+ since his prediction early on in July that the then-newborn social network would surpass 10 million within two weeks.?

In a recent post (on G+, naturally), his forecast sees G+ with 400 million users by the end of 2012. His research shows 625,000 users signing up to G+ every day and already past 62 million. But he thinks that rate is going to go up, because if it stays the way it is now, there will be only about 293 million users at the end of next year. Only! But at this rate, 100 million will join by Feb. 25 and 200 million by Aug. 3.

To spur that optimism, he pulls out this stat, which is actually quite a jolt, if it's anywhere near accurate: Nearly a quarter of all G+ users joined in December. Maybe that's due to some recent improvements, such as editing streams, the debut of G+ Pages and enhancements to Hangouts. There was also a big spike in G+ traffic when it opened up to the public, beyond private invitations, in September.

But a 60 percent decrease in traffic right after that?tempered at least some of that enthusiasm.

Now though, the outlook on G+ is bullish again.?

A recent comScore report on social networking actually upped G+'s numbers to 65 million around the world, or 5 percent of the global social networking audience. ?

Chitika Insights, the "independent research division" of the online advertising network, also saw significant upticks in the past three months, as you can see from this graph, using this methodology:?


Chitika Insights

The graph above shows activity index for Google+ between September and November 2011. The highest level of activity observed receives a value of 100, and the other data points are simply a function thereof. The arrows represent the percentage increase in activity witnessed between month to month data sets, all of which were sampled in the second week of each respective month.

Chitika told us that between September and November, Google+ "saw a 118 percent increase in overall online activity. From September to October Google+ posted the biggest growth figures (55 percent), followed by a growth in online activity of 41 percent between October and November."

The company, which has kept tabs on G+ for awhile, says that this?growth may be due to several key factors:

  • Google has been successfully integrating Google+ across its wide range of services (Android, Google Apps, Search)
  • Google has been heavily advertising Google+ across different channels including television spots and online placements, hoping to connect with a? main-stream audience
  • Google has remained dedicated to increasing the functionality and accessibility of Google+ to the public and has plans for rapid releases of new features over the course of 2012

Mind you, Google+ still has a long way to go before it gets anywhere near the 800 million currently on Facebook. But at the same time in its history, at six months old, in 2004, Facebook barely had 1 million users.

And right out of the gate, G+'s turbo-charged entry into the social media sphere blew everyone else away, attaining 20 million users in less than a month, a milestone that took Facebook more than three years to do.

But let's remember: Facebook and Twitter and other pioneers had to build up an audience in which social networking wasn't the norm yet, where only a select few were using Friendster or MySpace. Google+ has the advantage of debuting in a time when social networking dominates the time spent online.

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Check out Technolog on?Facebook, and on Twitter, follow?Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the?Google+?stream.


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Air-travel fatality rate hits all-time low

By Rob Lovitt, contributor

Travelers fretting about the hazards of air travel ? missed connections, lost bags, etc. ? can rest easy on at least one front. According to a just-released analysis from Ascend, a London-based aviation consulting company, flying is safer than ever.

?We still have a few days left but, provisionally speaking, 2011 is going to be the best year ever for safety,? said Paul Hayes, the company?s director of safety. ?The number of passengers killed was down considerably.?

On a global basis, there have been 401 fatalities on commercial and charter aircraft so far this year, down from 726 in 2010. With the world?s airlines carrying almost 2.9 billion passengers this year, that works out to one fatality for every 7.1 million passengers flown, the lowest rate since the company began tracking the data in 1990.

?There are a couple of things in play,? said aviation consultant Peter Goeltz, senior vice president with O?Neill and Associates and former director of the National Transportation Safety Board. ?Aircraft and avionics are better than ever, training is better and we?re getting more information on potential danger points because pilots can report mistakes without being punished.?

Not surprisingly, such developments are more prevalent among larger carriers and those servicing the developed nations of the Europe, Asia and North America. ?I wouldn?t fly Kyrgyzstan Airways or any other ?Stan Airways for that matter,? said Goelz, ?and Africa is still a terrible place to fly due to the lack of infrastructure and civil aviation oversight.?

As a result, said Hayes, ?The major carriers in the U.S. and Western Europe are probably considerably better than the average.?

Such numbers also bode well for the future, at least for the majority of travelers who fly those carriers, said aviation safety consultant and former commercial pilot Steve Cowell of SRC Aviation LLC.

?People should not only be happy about the [current] improvements; they should also expect continued improvement,? he told, especially as the next generation of technically advanced aircraft take to the skies.

?Those airplanes are going to improve people?s experience as passengers and consequently improve the safety of the system as a whole.?

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Rob Lovitt is a longtime travel writer who still believes the journey is as important as the destination. Follow him at Twitter.


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Business Forum: Nuclear & Renewable Energy ? Poneman

The 2nd US-Saudi Business Opportunities Forum was held Dec 5-7, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia with the aim to be a high-level gathering of senior officials and business leaders from Saudi Arabia and the United States that explored opportunities for greater economic collaboration between the two nations as well as providing an unparalleled business networking environment.

The forum was sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) of Saudi Arabia and organized by the Committee for International Trade (CIT), the Saudi-US Trade Group (SUSTG) and the US-Saudi Arabian Business Council (USSABC). For more information visit the special section on this topic:

Speaking at the panel titled ?Nuclear and Renewable Energy: Building Resources for the Future,? was Daniel Poneman, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy.


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Anime: Interest: Good Smile Company's Top-Selling Figures: 2011 ? Rankings also split between Japan and overseas #anime

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Scripps Research scientists discover a brain cell malfunction in schizophrenia

Scripps Research scientists discover a brain cell malfunction in schizophrenia [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Dec-2011
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Contact: Mika Ono
Scripps Research Institute

The findings could point the way to new therapies

LA JOLLA, CA December 27, 2011 Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have discovered that DNA stays too tightly wound in certain brain cells of schizophrenic subjects.

The findings suggest that drugs already in development for other diseases might eventually offer hope as a treatment for schizophrenia and related conditions in the elderly.

The research, now available online in the new Nature journal, Translational Psychiatry, shows the deficit is especially pronounced in younger people, meaning treatment might be most effective early on at minimizing or even reversing symptoms of schizophrenia, a potentially devastating mental disorder associated with hallucinations, delusions, and emotional difficulties, among other problems.

"We're excited by the findings," said Scripps Research Associate Professor Elizabeth Thomas, a neuroscientist who led the study, "and there's a tie to other drug development work, which could mean a faster track to clinical trials to exploit what we've found."

A Promising New Field

Over the past few years, researchers have increasingly recognized that cellular-level changes not tied to genetic defects play important roles in causing disease. There is a range of such so-called epigenetic effects that change the way DNA functions without changing a person's DNA code.

One critical area of epigenetic research is tied to histones. These are the structural proteins that DNA has to wrap around. "There's so much DNA in each cell of your body that it could never fit in your cells unless it was tightly and efficiently packed," said Thomas. Histone "tails" regularly undergo chemical modifications to either relax the DNA or repack it. When histones are acetylated, portions of DNA are exposed so that the genes can be used. The histone-DNA complexes, known as chromatin, are constantly relaxing and condensing to expose different genes, so there is no single right or wrong configuration. But the balance can shift in ways that can cause or exacerbate disease.

DNA is the guide that cellular machinery uses to construct the countless proteins essential to life. If portions of that guide remain closed when they shouldn't because histones are not acetylated properly, then genes can be effectively turned off when they shouldn't be with any number of detrimental effects. Numerous research groups have found that altered acetylation may be a key factor in other conditions, from neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease to drug addiction.

A Good Idea

Thomas had been studying the roles of histone acetylation in Huntington's disease and began to wonder whether similar mechanisms of gene regulation might also be important in schizophrenia. In both diseases, past research in the Thomas lab had shown that certain genes in sufferers were much less active than in healthy people. "It occurred to me that we see the same gene alterations, so I thought, 'Hey, let's just try it,'" she said.

Working with lead author Bin Tang, a postdoctoral fellow in her lab, and Brian Dean, an Australian colleague at the University of Melbourne, Thomas obtained post-mortem brain samples from schizophrenic and healthy brains held at medical "Brain Banks" in the United States and Australia. The brains come from either patients who themselves agreed to donate some or all of their bodies for scientific research after death, or from patients whose families agreed to such donations.

A great deal of epigenetic research has focused on chemical alterations to DNA itself. Histone alterations have been much more difficult to study because such research requires that the histones and DNA remain chemically intact. Many researchers feared that these bonds were disrupted in the brain after death. However, Thomas's group was able to develop a technique for maintaining the histone-DNA interactions. "While many people thought this was lost, we were able to show that indeed these interactions are preserved in post-mortem brain, allowing us to carry out these studies," said Thomas.

Compared to healthy brains, the brain samples from subjects with schizophrenia showed lower levels of acetylation in certain histone portions that would block gene expression. Another critical finding was that in younger subjects with schizophrenia, the problem was much more pronounced.

Need for New Treatment Options

Just what causes the acetylation defects among schizophrenic subjectswhat keeps certain pages of the DNA guide closedisn't clear, but from a medical perspective it doesn't matter. If researchers can reliably show that acetylation is a cause of the problem, they can look for ways to open the closed guide pages and hopefully cure or improve the condition in patients.

Thomas sees great potential. Based on the more pronounced results in younger brains, she believes that treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors might well prove helpful in reversing or preventing the progression of the condition, especially in younger patients. Current drugs for schizophrenia tend to treat only certain symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, and the drugs have major side effects including movement problems, weight gain, and diabetes. If deacetylase inhibitors effectively treat a root cause of the disease and prove sufficiently non-toxic, they might improve additional symptoms and provide a major expansion of treatment options.

Interestingly, some of the cognitive deficits that plague elderly people look quite similar biologically to schizophrenia, and the two conditions share at least some brain abnormalities. So deacetylase inhibitors might also work as a treatment for age-related problems, and might even prove an effective preventive measure for people at high risk of cognitive decline based on family history or other indicators.


This study, "Disease- and age-related changes in histone acetylation at gene promoters in psychiatric disorders," was supported by the National Institutes of Health. Samples were provided by the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center, and Australia's Victorian Brain Bank Network. For more information on the research, see

About The Scripps Research Institute

The Scripps Research Institute is one of the world's largest independent, non-profit biomedical research organizations. Scripps Research is internationally recognized for its discoveries in immunology, molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and vaccine development, as well as for its insights into autoimmune, cardiovascular, and infectious disease. Headquartered in La Jolla, California, the institute also includes a campus in Jupiter, Florida, where scientists focus on drug discovery and technology development in addition to basic biomedical science. Scripps Research currently employs about 3,000 scientists, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students on its two campuses. The institute's graduate program, which awards Ph.D. degrees in biology and chemistry, is ranked among the top ten such programs in the nation. For more information, see

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Scripps Research scientists discover a brain cell malfunction in schizophrenia [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Dec-2011
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Contact: Mika Ono
Scripps Research Institute

The findings could point the way to new therapies

LA JOLLA, CA December 27, 2011 Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have discovered that DNA stays too tightly wound in certain brain cells of schizophrenic subjects.

The findings suggest that drugs already in development for other diseases might eventually offer hope as a treatment for schizophrenia and related conditions in the elderly.

The research, now available online in the new Nature journal, Translational Psychiatry, shows the deficit is especially pronounced in younger people, meaning treatment might be most effective early on at minimizing or even reversing symptoms of schizophrenia, a potentially devastating mental disorder associated with hallucinations, delusions, and emotional difficulties, among other problems.

"We're excited by the findings," said Scripps Research Associate Professor Elizabeth Thomas, a neuroscientist who led the study, "and there's a tie to other drug development work, which could mean a faster track to clinical trials to exploit what we've found."

A Promising New Field

Over the past few years, researchers have increasingly recognized that cellular-level changes not tied to genetic defects play important roles in causing disease. There is a range of such so-called epigenetic effects that change the way DNA functions without changing a person's DNA code.

One critical area of epigenetic research is tied to histones. These are the structural proteins that DNA has to wrap around. "There's so much DNA in each cell of your body that it could never fit in your cells unless it was tightly and efficiently packed," said Thomas. Histone "tails" regularly undergo chemical modifications to either relax the DNA or repack it. When histones are acetylated, portions of DNA are exposed so that the genes can be used. The histone-DNA complexes, known as chromatin, are constantly relaxing and condensing to expose different genes, so there is no single right or wrong configuration. But the balance can shift in ways that can cause or exacerbate disease.

DNA is the guide that cellular machinery uses to construct the countless proteins essential to life. If portions of that guide remain closed when they shouldn't because histones are not acetylated properly, then genes can be effectively turned off when they shouldn't be with any number of detrimental effects. Numerous research groups have found that altered acetylation may be a key factor in other conditions, from neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease to drug addiction.

A Good Idea

Thomas had been studying the roles of histone acetylation in Huntington's disease and began to wonder whether similar mechanisms of gene regulation might also be important in schizophrenia. In both diseases, past research in the Thomas lab had shown that certain genes in sufferers were much less active than in healthy people. "It occurred to me that we see the same gene alterations, so I thought, 'Hey, let's just try it,'" she said.

Working with lead author Bin Tang, a postdoctoral fellow in her lab, and Brian Dean, an Australian colleague at the University of Melbourne, Thomas obtained post-mortem brain samples from schizophrenic and healthy brains held at medical "Brain Banks" in the United States and Australia. The brains come from either patients who themselves agreed to donate some or all of their bodies for scientific research after death, or from patients whose families agreed to such donations.

A great deal of epigenetic research has focused on chemical alterations to DNA itself. Histone alterations have been much more difficult to study because such research requires that the histones and DNA remain chemically intact. Many researchers feared that these bonds were disrupted in the brain after death. However, Thomas's group was able to develop a technique for maintaining the histone-DNA interactions. "While many people thought this was lost, we were able to show that indeed these interactions are preserved in post-mortem brain, allowing us to carry out these studies," said Thomas.

Compared to healthy brains, the brain samples from subjects with schizophrenia showed lower levels of acetylation in certain histone portions that would block gene expression. Another critical finding was that in younger subjects with schizophrenia, the problem was much more pronounced.

Need for New Treatment Options

Just what causes the acetylation defects among schizophrenic subjectswhat keeps certain pages of the DNA guide closedisn't clear, but from a medical perspective it doesn't matter. If researchers can reliably show that acetylation is a cause of the problem, they can look for ways to open the closed guide pages and hopefully cure or improve the condition in patients.

Thomas sees great potential. Based on the more pronounced results in younger brains, she believes that treatment with histone deacetylase inhibitors might well prove helpful in reversing or preventing the progression of the condition, especially in younger patients. Current drugs for schizophrenia tend to treat only certain symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, and the drugs have major side effects including movement problems, weight gain, and diabetes. If deacetylase inhibitors effectively treat a root cause of the disease and prove sufficiently non-toxic, they might improve additional symptoms and provide a major expansion of treatment options.

Interestingly, some of the cognitive deficits that plague elderly people look quite similar biologically to schizophrenia, and the two conditions share at least some brain abnormalities. So deacetylase inhibitors might also work as a treatment for age-related problems, and might even prove an effective preventive measure for people at high risk of cognitive decline based on family history or other indicators.


This study, "Disease- and age-related changes in histone acetylation at gene promoters in psychiatric disorders," was supported by the National Institutes of Health. Samples were provided by the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center, and Australia's Victorian Brain Bank Network. For more information on the research, see

About The Scripps Research Institute

The Scripps Research Institute is one of the world's largest independent, non-profit biomedical research organizations. Scripps Research is internationally recognized for its discoveries in immunology, molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and vaccine development, as well as for its insights into autoimmune, cardiovascular, and infectious disease. Headquartered in La Jolla, California, the institute also includes a campus in Jupiter, Florida, where scientists focus on drug discovery and technology development in addition to basic biomedical science. Scripps Research currently employs about 3,000 scientists, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students on its two campuses. The institute's graduate program, which awards Ph.D. degrees in biology and chemistry, is ranked among the top ten such programs in the nation. For more information, see

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Evelyne Politanoff: Holiday Greetings! ... Celebrate Each Day

Peace, Joy and Lasting Happiness

I will be taking a few days off from blogging to celebrate the holiday. To all my followers, many thanks for all the likes and constant support.?

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful festive season and a Happy New Year!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Perry Zeroes in on Congressional '12ers (TIME)

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GOP chairman: Ring not too small for many hats (The Arizona Republic)

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wives in ads, kids on the bus as GOP voting nears (AP)

CONCORD, N.H. ? Mitt Romney's wife gushes about his silly side and devotion to their five sons and 16 grandchildren. Rick Santorum's college-age daughter opines online about missing the campus coffee shop and chats with friends about their Friday night plans. Jon Huntsman's daughters generate much-needed buzz for him with a joint Twitter account and online videos, including at least one that went viral.

Days away from voting in the Republican presidential race, the path to the nomination is quickly becoming a crowded family affair with spouses and offspring pitching in and doing far more than just smiling from the sidelines.

Ann Romney, Anita Perry and Callista Gingrich are starring in new TV ads for the husbands they've loyally campaigned for. Romney extols her husband's character and says "to me that makes a huge difference" in a candidate. Perry tells the "old-fashioned American story" of how she and her husband were high school sweethearts who had to wait until he was done flying airplanes around the world for the Air Force before they could marry. Callista Gingrich wishes the nation a Merry Christmas "from our family to yours" in Gingrich's new holiday-themed TV ad.

Candidate kids, including those born to Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul, are helping, too, acting as surrogates, strategists and, in some cases, sounding boards for parents competing for the right to challenge President Barack Obama next fall.

Such involvement can be a huge asset to the presidential hopefuls, typically in highlighting a politician's softer side.

But the relatives are hardly polished public speakers who agree with everything their loved one says or does, and their slip-ups, potential conflicts and backgrounds can have consequences for the candidates.


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News1130radio: Texas shooting update: It appears the person who shot six members of his family to death then turned gun on him/herself.

Twitter / News1130: Texas shooting update: It ... Loader Texas shooting update: It appears the person who shot six members of his family to death then turned gun on him/herself.


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Terminales Xperia de Sony Ericsson con Android 4.0


Fecha:? 19/12/2011? Fuente:? GSMspain

Los usuarios de la gama Xperia de Sony Ericsson ya pueden probar la ?ltima versi?n del sistema operativo Android.

Terminales Xperia de Sony Ericsson con Android 4.0En la compa??a Sony Ericsson parecen decididos a proceder muy pronto con la esperada actualizaron de todos sus smartphones de la familia Xperia, a la ?ltima versi?n del sistema operativo Android, es decir, la 4.0 tambi?n conocida como Ice Cream Sandwich. Para ir abriendo boca, la Comunidad de Desarrolladores de Sony Ericsson ha lanzado un v?deo en el que ya puede verse un Xperia Arc funcionando bajo esta versi?n de Android.

No obstante, la compa??a sigue trabajando en dicha actualizaci?n, ya que esta versi?n Alpha de Android 4.0 tiene todav?a muchas limitaciones. Google Mobile Services, que ofrece soporte para Gmail o Google Maps no est? operativo, as? mismo, ni la radio FM, ni las conexiones v?a Wi-Fi o Bluetooth pueden ser activadas. Aun as?, podemos ver muchas de las novedades de la ?ltima versi?n de Android como la nueva forma de manejar el reproductor de m?sica con la pantalla bloqueada, o la original manera de eliminar avisos del men? de notificaciones con solo deslizar un dedo.

Aun as?, Sony Ericsson ha puesto esta ROM a disposici?n de todos aquellos que quieran probarla en su Xperia arc S, Xperia Neo V y Xperia Ray. Para ello, es imprescindible disponer del terminal desbloqueado (rooteado), lo cual puede hacerse mediante el servicio "Unlock Boot Loader Service" de Sony Ericsson. No obstante esta opci?n s?lo est? recomendada para usuarios avanzados, ya que la compa??a no se hace responsable de lo que pudiera salir mal en este proceso de "trasteo" con el m?vil.

Hola! tengo una duda a ver si me podeis ayudar.
Estoy pensando sacarme el ARC (normal) que es el que tiene movistar, mi duda es si ya es un poco tarde para pillarlo,quiero decir que si sus 512 de memoria se quedan cortos o si su 1gb podr? mover con fluidez la version 4 de android.

Graciasde antemano!

Los ?ltimos en salir tendran antes la actualizaci?n, entre marzo y abril. Por eso dicen que seran el Arc S, Ray y Neo V.

Pero los demas de la gama, el Arc. Neo, Play, Mini, Mini Pro y Activ lo tendran entre Abril y Mayo, un mes despues.


Tiene muy buena pintaa un saludo y gracias por la info

Eso no os olvideis del Neo normal! Aunque supongo que lo que hagan para el Neo V deber?a servir para el normal no?


De los minis nada no?

Muy bien por Sony.

Espero que no dejen olvidao el Xperia NEO porque en la noticia mencionan que ponen la beta a disposi?n para el NEO V.


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Monday, December 26, 2011

CHRISTMAS LAWSUIT! Evelyn Lozada Gets SUED By Antoine Walker For Spending Him Into DEBT!

I hope Santa left a bundle of dough under Evelyn Lozada's tree because she's being sued for $560K and accused of helping Antoine Walker blow his NBA fortune. Deets inside.....

Former NBA All-Star Antoine Walker is sacked in debt and his ex-fiance, Evelyn Lozada, is being sued for HELPING him get there.

Though he made over $110 million during his NBA career, Antoine filed for bankruptcy last year......but not before he gave Evelyn $560,000! ?

A trustee is now suing Evelyn claiming "fraud" and saying she and Antoine were trying to hide the money from bill collectors.? SMH.....

The trusted also thinks Evelyn used the money to open her Miami shoe store called Dulce (seen on her reality show "BBW.").? However, Evelyn says she got the money by selling her engagement ring.

Hmmm.......this should be interesting.?

No response from the future Mrs. Ochocinco yet...............


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New Air Jordans cause US-wide shopping frenzy

Kristopher Rush, 14, shows off the Nike Air Jordan shoes he got for Christmas from his parents Friday, Dec. 23, 2011, outside the Lafayette Square Mall in Indianapolis, where he waited in line with his father and brother for over three hours. Police were called in to control crowds of shoppers flocking Lafayette Square and Castleton Square malls in Indianapolis to control the crowds waiting for the shoes. The release of Nike's retro Air Jordans caused a frenzy at stores across the nation early Friday, with hundreds of people lining up for a chance to buy the classic basketball shoes and rowdy crowds breaking down doors and starting fights in at least two cities. AP Photo/The Indianapolis Star, Danese Kenon) NO SALES

Kristopher Rush, 14, shows off the Nike Air Jordan shoes he got for Christmas from his parents Friday, Dec. 23, 2011, outside the Lafayette Square Mall in Indianapolis, where he waited in line with his father and brother for over three hours. Police were called in to control crowds of shoppers flocking Lafayette Square and Castleton Square malls in Indianapolis to control the crowds waiting for the shoes. The release of Nike's retro Air Jordans caused a frenzy at stores across the nation early Friday, with hundreds of people lining up for a chance to buy the classic basketball shoes and rowdy crowds breaking down doors and starting fights in at least two cities. AP Photo/The Indianapolis Star, Danese Kenon) NO SALES

Kristopher Rush, 14, shows off one of the Nike Air Jordan shoes he got for Christmas from his parents Friday, Dec. 23, 2011, outside the Lafayette Square Mall in Indianapolis, where he waited in line with his father and brother for over three hours. Police were called in to control crowds of shoppers flocking Lafayette Square and Castleton Square malls in Indianapolis to control the crowds waiting for the shoes. The release of Nike's retro Air Jordans caused a frenzy at stores across the nation early Friday, with hundreds of people lining up for a chance to buy the classic basketball shoes and rowdy crowds breaking down doors and starting fights in at least two cities. AP Photo/The Indianapolis Star, Danese Kenon) NO SALES

Kristopher Rush, 14, stands near a door that was taken off its hinges as a large crowd rushed in to buy the newest Air Jordan shoes at Lafayette Square Mall in Indianapolis Friday, Dec. 23, 2011. Rush waited in line at the mall with his father and brother for over three hours to get his shoes. Police were called in to control crowds of shoppers flocking Lafayette Square and Castleton Square malls in Indianapolis to control the crowds waiting for the shoes. The release of Nike's retro Air Jordans caused a frenzy at stores across the nation early Friday, with hundreds of people lining up for a chance to buy the classic basketball shoes and rowdy crowds breaking down doors and starting fights in at least two cities. (AP Photo/The Indianapolis Star, Danese Kenon) NO SALES

Kristopher Rush, 14, opens up the box of the Nike Air Jordan shoes he got for Christmas from his parents Friday, Dec. 23, 2011, outside the Lafayette Square Mall in Indianapolis, where he waited in line with his father and brother for over three hours. Police were called in to control crowds of shoppers flocking Lafayette Square and Castleton Square malls in Indianapolis to control the crowds waiting for the shoes. The release of Nike's retro Air Jordans caused a frenzy at stores across the nation early Friday, with hundreds of people lining up for a chance to buy the classic basketball shoes and rowdy crowds breaking down doors and starting fights in at least two cities. AP Photo/The Indianapolis Star, Danese Kenon) NO SALES

SEATTLE (AP) ? Scuffles broke out and police were brought in to quell unrest that nearly turned into riots across the United States following the release of Nike's new Air Jordan basketball shoes ? a retro model of one of the most popular Air Jordans ever made.

The frenzy over Air Jordans has been dangerous in the past. Some people were mugged or even killed for early versions of the shoe, created by Nike Inc. in 1984.

The Air Jordan has since been a consistent hit with sneaker fans, spawning a subculture of collectors willing to wait hours to buy the latest pair. Some collectors save the shoes for special occasions or never take them out of the box.

The mayhem stretched from Washington state to Georgia Friday and was reminiscent of the violence that broke out 20 years ago in many cities as the shoes became popular targets for thieves. It also had a decidedly Black Friday feel as huge crowds of shoppers overwhelmed stores for a must-have item.

In suburban Seattle, police used pepper spray on about 20 customers who started fighting at the Westfield Southcenter mall. The crowd started gathering at four stores in the mall around midnight and had grown to more than 1,000 people by 4 a.m., when the stores opened, Tukwila Officer Mike Murphy said. He said it started as fighting and pushing among people in line and escalated over the next hour.

Murphy said no injuries were reported, although some people suffered cuts or scrapes from fights. Shoppers also broke two doors, and 18-year-old man was arrested for assault after authorities say he punched an officer.

"He did not get his shoes; he went to jail," Murphy said.

The $180 (?137.86) shoes went on sale Friday in a limited release at stores, and the lines began forming several hours before businesses opened.

As the crowds kept growing through the night, they became more unruly and ended in vandalism, violence and arrests.

A man was stabbed when a brawl broke out between several people waiting in line at a Jersey City, New Jersey, mall to buy the new shoes, authorities said. The 20-year-old man was expected to recover from his injuries.

In Georgia, officers said they had to break a car window to get two toddlers out after a woman went in after the shoes. They said she was taken into custody when she returned to the car.

In California, police say crowds waiting to buy the Air Jordan 11 Retro Concords at the Hilltop Mall were turned away after a gunshot rang out around 7 a.m.

No injuries were reported, but police said a 24-year-old suspect was taken into custody. The gun apparently went off inadvertently, the Contra Costa Times reported.

A new edition has been launched each year, and release dates had to be moved to the weekends at some points to keep kids from skipping school to get a pair.

But the uproar over the shoe had died down in recent years. These latest incidents seem to be part of trend of increasing acts of violence at retailers this holiday shopping season, such as the shopper who pepper-sprayed others at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles on the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, known as Black Friday and crowds looting a clothing store in New York.

Nike issued a statement in response to the violence that said: "Consumer safety and security is of paramount importance. We encourage anyone wishing to purchase our product to do so in a respectful and safe manner."

Associated Press


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Gingerbread House with Stained Glass Windows!

Gingerbread houses are lots of fun to make, especially with your kids!? But did you know you can add spectacular stained glass windows using.... lolipops!? It starts with any homemade gingerbread cooking recipe.? Cut out the design for your gingerbread house before you bake it.? We planned out our house using construction paper first.? Then we used the construction paper as a cutting guide.? Two important things to note here in your design.? Include a chimney or some other vent for the tea light candle that will go in the center of the house and include several windows so your light can really shine!? Watch the videos to see how we did all this!? Don't forget the rest of the videos in this series are at my youtube channel NATEsKITCHEN!? <------Click here to visit!


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Motorola MOTOACTV firmware bump gives you marathon-battery life (video)

Fitness people love to make us feel guilty as they jog past the car, sneering as they watch us eat six double downs in one go. It's those people who will be happy that Motorola's Motoactv is getting a firmware update promising better battery life and power-saving settings -- including a marathon mode that'll give you eight hours of accompanied running. You'll also find additional clock faces and the ability to measure your heart rate even when stationary. You know, with their clear skin and no body fat, maybe they've got the right idea and we should give some serious consideration to changing our ways -- you know, in January.

Continue reading Motorola MOTOACTV firmware bump gives you marathon-battery life (video)

Motorola MOTOACTV firmware bump gives you marathon-battery life (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 23 Dec 2011 01:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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