Paradice none have seen it so none believe it exicts but there are afew who believe keep searching inorder to finder it the need to find a maiden made from the lunar flower find her and you find paradice catch is you have to find it before the blood moon
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never give up hope some day paradice will be reveiled for those who are faithful or will you hunt those to quentch your thirst

Ryuu Takeshi - Member for 1 years
oh hey Ryuu is this canon or non canon charaters i Love Wolf's RainXD
I wish for your happiness while watching the stars.
Hang on to your hopes, my dear.
Love emerges it disappears.
As learned by the earth.
We are wandering the road not yet known.
We are on a journey forever.
But we will return to love.
The heart's home is here.
Now, please. Won't you smile for me?
Don't cry. I'll wipe the tears form your eyes.
I wish I could be the one to kiss and touch your heart.
Look around. All your dreams are shining.

Polarisbear12 - Member for 1 years
going to try to follow along with the story but any character is fine can be from the show or make them yourself just have fun

Ryuu Takeshi - Member for 1 years
This was my favorite movie ever! I'm making a character for a wolf soon promise!

Arabella13 - Member for 1 years
oh sounds good i should have her done by tomorrow mabye:)

Polarisbear12 - Member for 1 years
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