Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Top 3 Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner - The ...

Monday, December 24th, 2012 at 9:29 pm ?

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Even Scrooge Has a Lesson for the Home Business Owner!

Christmas Movies for the Home Business OwnerChristmas is a time for Christ, Tradition, Sharing, Family and Happy Times. After wrapping some gifts for the family and knocking down some EGG NOG I pulled out some of my favorite all time Christmas Movies.

After watching a couple I realized there are some great lessons in these Christmas movies for the Home Business Owner.

In this post I would like to share with you my top 3 Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner. Now some of you may have seen these already as they are all time favorites among everyone. The lessons learned from each movie could be about life, love or business.?

They will lift your Christmas spirits and you can learn valuable entrepreneurial lessons from each one. Provided your not falling asleep after to MUCH Egg Nog, LOL!!

Either way, I know you will enjoy these all time favorites Christmas Movies.

Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner

#1 Christmas Movie ? Home Alone. I really enjoy this movie. What lessons can you get from watching this movie? Maybe: stay smart, protect your home or the business you have.

Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner
#2 Christmas Movie ? A Christmas Carol by Jim Carrey. The message for home based business owners is: Find the joy in everything you do. Don?t let your business make you a terrible person and leave you to live out a lonely existence.

Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner

#3 Christmas Movie ? The Polar Express. Another Great! The message in this movie is: If you Dream and truly believe in something it can happen and it can also come true. Don?t give up and look for the answer. You will find it.

Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner

Christmas is truly a happy time. A time to be thankful and a time to share. I know if you watch these Christmas Movies, you will learn valuable lessons from each one. Both in your home based business and life.

May you and your family be blessed this Holiday Season and thank you for taking the time to visit my website, read this article and share your thoughts below.


Until Next Time ? Build Today For A Better Future Tomorrow!!

Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner

Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner

PS. ? Now it?s your turn?

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Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner

Christmas Movies for the Home Business Owner!

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Source: http://galenmorgigno.com/mlm-articles/top-3-christmas-movies-for-the-home-business-owner/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=top-3-christmas-movies-for-the-home-business-owner

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