Thursday, March 8, 2012

Storytelling in a business setting // Non-Profit Marketing, Fundraising ...

Someone complains, ?You can?t talk like that at a board meeting.?

One of my favorite non-profit blogs (even though they don?t use the term non-profit) is For Impact (Because they?re not for profit, they?re for impact. Get it?) If you aren?t reading Tom and Nick?s frequent ? yet short and easily digestible ? blog posts, go subscribe now.

When you get back, check out this article they linked to in a recent post about storytelling to grow your business.

My favorite part:

Gary tells us to use ?language of the senses,? but someone complains, ?You can?t talk like that at a board meeting,? to which Gary points out that if you talk differently than people expect you to, they are more likely to listen and remember.

Go read Using Great Storytelling to Grow Your Business


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