By Tom Stark, 04/07/2012
Are they really better off with LGBT couples?
Well, it died in the last Congress, but just like the proverbial ?bad penny? it keeps coming back, and it probably will continue to do so until enough people who support traditional American values stand up and say, ?Enough is enough!?? I refer to the fact that Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) and Representative Pete Stark (D-CA) have introduced the Every Child Deserves a Family Act (H.R. 1681 in the House; S. 1770 in the Senate) again in the 112th Congress.
?By removing all barriers for LGBT families to serve as foster parents, New York State has increased its foster parent pool by 128,000 prospective parents. This legislation would open thousands of new foster and adoptive homes to children ensuring they are raised in loving families,? Gillibrand has said when her bill was introduced, last session (quoted in The Christian Post).
So?this piece of left-wing pandering to the? homosexual community is allegedly intended to make it possible for more of the approximately 400,000 children in U.S. foster care to escape their existence within the states? foster care system to the ?security? of a home with homosexuals or transvestites, or transgenders, or lesbians.? Isn?t that a little like forcing children to jump from the frying pan into the fire?
So let?s see what it really does?
First of all, so-called LGBT ?couples? have been statistically proven to be highly unstable relationships fraught with problems of their own without introducing children into the mix.? Many of these relationships ? to a far greater extent than even the dismal divorce rates for traditional marriages ? end in break-ups that are less than amenable.? The insecurities of living in such situations add a lot to the stress that often creates that instability and problems.
As a result, these relationships seldom provide the ?loving home? that is claimed by those on the left who support these ?lifestyles? in their ?anything goes? approach to society and life in general ? at least not for very long.? No standards, no problems.? These issues alone should be enough to make our representatives nix this bill without much discussion.
In reality, what these bills would do if consolidated into a federal law is to reduce the number of real families with a father and mother (God?s definition) and eventually create a lot more foster kids than are presently in the system.?? Why, you ask?
Simply because under both of these bills, it would force religious organizations to comply with the mandate to place children with homosexual couples or risk loss of much-needed operating funds necessary for their continued existence.?? What it does, as a consequence of this forced compliance, is place many of these charitable, church-based adoption agencies to cease operating simply to avoid the mandate that makes it impossible to continue handling adoptions without betraying their faith.
A typical example of what this bill is designed to do can be provided by the State of Illinois where Catholic Charities has just had its contract cancelled because it does not place children with either heterosexual or homosexual couples that are not married in the conventional sense of the word.? Illinois? passed a similar bill with the same general provisions of the federal bills being proposed.
The end result of these bills being passed is only one thing worth noting?the elimination of faith-based organizations from the list of agencies that place adoptions in the public arena.?? This is clearly just another step in the left?s well-established agenda of pushing faith and moral standards as far out of our society as they can so that the rule of men can replace the rule of law.? How many steps down the path to the end of this road do we have left?? That is anyone?s guess, but another four years under the influence of the current administration and its followers on that effort.
What can we do?? Remain committed, pray without ceasing, speak out with our votes, call our representatives with a clear message of opposition to these bills, spread the information far and wide so that more people of faith become energized to resist.
How familiar all this sounds just weeks after the administration issued regulations that effectively force faith-based employers to ignore their sincere beliefs and pay for their employees? birth control, abortion pills, and sterilization expenses.? Do we see a pattern here?
Without the commitment of like-minded people, we are without help in combating that small vocal minority that continues to force their faithless lifestyles? down our throats.? This is not a matter of bigotry or prejudice as the left would have the world believe.? This is simply about the preservation of our faith, our beliefs, and our society in a state that our children can grow up safe from deviant lifestyles that often result in problems for them and society.? Think about it!
Related posts:
- ACLU Tells Schools to Give Kids Access to LGBT Material Online
- Obama Makes ?Historic? Efforts to Advance LGBT Agenda
- CitizenLink: Census Bureau Tells Same-Sex Couples to Check Married
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