?ve laid out good money for your laptop computer, but you?re not done spending just yet.
There are a few more laptop accessories you may want to consider to make the package.
1: Laptop Case / Bag
As the newest member of the mobile computing force, you?re required to take an oath of safe computing
And. that starts with investing in the most important of laptop accessories ? a laptop bag. You can not very well go traipsing around the world with your laptop exposed to the elements.
When it comes to laptop bags, you can spend $ 25 for a small case made from less expensive materials on up to several hundred dollars for one made of top grain cowhide-.However, in the end, the most important consideration is Whether your case can hold your laptop, plus all the other goodies that go with it (like the Described ones here)
2. software
Did your laptop come with software? If so, did it come with the right software ? the software you actually need to perform whatever tasks you need to perform
Do not just assume you have everything you need. You?ll probably need to add some software, as well as go online to update the software that was included
3. A Real USB Mouse
trackpads and eraser nubs that fill in obvious need. However, given the option, most people would rather user a real mouse.
If you stop and think for a moment, you?re likely to realize that many places where you?ll be computing actually are suitable for a real mouse.To one of the most useful laptop accessories you can buy is a USB mouse, keep it in your bag, and use it whenever you?re able.
4 : A Cat5 Ethernet Cable
Your built-in Ethernet port will not do you much good if you get to your hotel room, to discover Ethernet connection, and do not have a cable. Some hotels Provide them; others do not. . Always come prepared with the right cable
5: A Standard Telephone Cable
The same holds true for your modem connection. If you do not have a cable to get you from your computer to the phone jack, you?re not going anywhere in cyberspace
6. Disposable Cleansing Cloths
Over, The display on your laptop is going to get dusty, or even smudgy. You?re playing Russian roulette with your laptop if you attempt to clean your display with paper towels and spray cleaners.
Instead, use disposable cleansing cloths. These essential laptop accessories are designed specifically to clean laptop displays. . Always have a stash on hand7: USB Drive
A USB drive is a storage device about the size of your thumb that plugs directly into a USB port
Capacity-wise, they?re Relatively small ? usually well under 100 MB. However, they?re very useful for moving files quickly and easily from one computer to another, eg, moving a PowerPoint presentation from your laptop to your business associate?s laptop.
A USB drive also makes a great temporary backup . medium for the really important files you create on the road8: Blank CD-R discs
You?ve just finished your big sales presentation. Someone from the audience approaches you afterward and asks for a copy of the presentation
You?ll make a better impression if you:.
a) ask the person for their email address and tell them you?ll email the presentation laterb) ask for their physical address and tell them you?ll mail a CD later
c) burn them a CD of the presentation on the spot.
In case you did not figure it out, the answer is c. . Always be prepared with these inexpensive laptop accessories
9: Stereo Headset
It?s great to be able to watch DVD movies no matter where you are. Imagine watching your favorite flick at 30.000 feet.
There?s just one problem. The family in the row behind you has absolutely no interest in hearing the dialog from Pulp Fiction. Do yourself and everyone around you a favor. Laptop security devices come in many shapes and sizes : When you?re watching movies or listening to music in public, use your headphones 10th. p> For, example, most laptops include a security dock that Allows you to attach your laptop to some immovable object via cable, much like you?d lock up your bicycle outside the grocery store. Thinking of buying a laptop computer? ?How To Buy A Laptop? is the definitive online guide that will teach you everything you need to know. Do not buy the wrong machine! Check out ==> [http://HowToBuyALaptop.com] Xml version = "1.0" standalone = "yes"?> "); ExpertAuthor| 65 Articles '); '); '; for (i = 0; i if (i> = google_ads.length) {break;} ' + s0 + ' '; '; for (i = 3; i if (i> = google_ads.length) {break;} ' + s1 + ' '; 've laid out good money for your laptop computer, but you're not done spending just yet. complete There are a few more laptop accessories you may want to consider to make the package. 1: Laptop Case / Bag As the newest member of the mobile computing force, you're required to take an oath of safe computing And. that starts with investing in the most important of laptop accessories - a laptop bag. You can not very well go traipsing around the world with your laptop exposed to the elements. However, in the end, the most important consideration is Whether your case can hold your laptop, plus all the other goodies that go with it (like the ones Described here) 2. software Did your laptop come with software? If so, did it come with the right software - the software you actually need to perform whatever tasks you need to perform Do not just assume you have everything you need. You'll probably need to add some software, as well as go online to update the software that was included 3. A Real USB Mouse trackpads and eraser nubs that fill in obvious need. However, given the option, most people would rather user a real mouse. To one of the most useful laptop accessories you can buy is a USB mouse, keep it in your bag, and use it whenever you're able. 4 : A Cat5 Ethernet Cable Your built-in Ethernet port will not do you much good if you get to your hotel room, to discover Ethernet connection, and do not have a cable. Some hotels Provide them; others do not. . Always come prepared with the right cable 5: A Standard Telephone Cable The same holds true for your modem connection. If you do not have a cable to get you from your computer to the phone jack, you're not going anywhere in cyberspace 6. Disposable Cleansing Cloths time Over, The display on your laptop is going to get dusty, or even smudgy. You're playing Russian roulette with your laptop if you attempt to clean your display with paper towels and spray cleaners. 7: USB Drive A USB drive is a storage device about the size of your thumb that plugs directly into a USB port Capacity-wise, they're Relatively small - usually well under 100 MB. However, they're very useful for moving files quickly and easily from one computer to another, eg, moving a PowerPoint presentation from your laptop to your business associate's laptop. 8: Blank CD-R discs You've just finished your big sales presentation. Someone from the audience approaches you afterward and asks for a copy of the presentation You'll make a better impression if you:. b) ask for their physical address and tell them you'll mail a CD later c) burn them a CD of the presentation on the spot. In case you did not figure it out, the answer is c. . Always be prepared with these inexpensive laptop accessories 9: Stereo Headset It's great to be able to watch DVD movies no matter where you are. Imagine watching your favorite flick at 30.000 feet. Do yourself and everyone around you a favor. Laptop security devices come in many shapes and sizes : When you're watching movies or listening to music in public, use your headphones 10th. p> For, example, most laptops include a security dock that Allows you to attach your laptop to some immovable object via cable, much like you'd lock up your bicycle outside the grocery store. Thinking of buying a laptop computer? 'How To Buy A Laptop' is the definitive online guide that will teach you everything you need to know. Do not buy the wrong machine! Check out ==> [http://HowToBuyALaptop.com] '); '; ' + s + ' '); "); "); Ads by Google '; ' + s + ' ');
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San Filippo, John "The Top 10 'Must-Have' Laptop Accessories." The Top 10 'Must-Have' Laptop Accessories .23 Feb. 2005 EzineArticles.com. 6 Apr. 2012
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