Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Asbestos Exposure Relating to Asbestosis and Mesothelioma

?There is asbestosis and mesothelioma and both are causally related to asbestos exposure. They are not one and the same disease although one may lead to the other. The person who has asbestosis has generally been in a long term industrial exposure in the mining or production of asbestos products.

Asbestosis is the direct result of inhaling asbestos fibre where the fibre adheres to the lungs. This may lead,at the lease complaint level, to a shortness of breath and at the the other most damaging level of the scale the exposure may lead to Asbestosis,lung cancer and or mesothelioma.

Exposure to asbestos occurs mostly in the working environment where asbestos fibre is most prevalent. However there are men and women who have worked long term in the industries of mining or production with the asbestos fibre in the air they have been breathing and yet have no evidence lung disease.

On the other hand there are cases studies from Australian Asbestos mining, specifically in Wittenoom Australia, where a significant number of the wives of mining workers have suffered and some have died from asbestosis and mesothelioma.

These wives of the workers were never in the mines and their only contact with the fibre that was the washing of clothing worn by their husbands.The working clothes would be shaken out to release the dust and asbestos fibre before being placed in the washing machine and this was sufficient asbestos exposure to cause death in their later years.
There appears to be an unknown factor as to why one person working alongside another breathing in the asbestos fibre over a long term will not develop a lung disease while another person briefly exposed will go on to suffer asbestosis or a full case of mesothelioma. No research to date has revealed what other causal factors may be at play be they a genetic or environmental difference in particular industries.

Article Source:

>>> Asbestosis Survival Stories That Beat the Odds

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