Thursday, August 11, 2011

Global Health Insurance Japan | WSAIOP.ORG

global health insurance japan
Democrats, should you feel ashamed of the way you?ve governed?

In nearly 4 years of controlling the agenda in Congress and nearly 2 years in control of the Oval Office;

You have blocked efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which is at the epicenter of our current economic recession.

You have presided over millions of people losing their jobs, savings, retirement and homes.

You have given billions in tax dollars to international banks, global insurance companies and union bosses.

You managed to stimulate the economy of Japan, at the expense of tax payers, with your ?cash for clunkers? gimmick.

You pass a bill which hires 16,000 more I.R.S agents while simultaneously decreasing the amount of doctors and call it health-care reform.

Democrats will never face the reality of what they have done. By the answers posted, it is obvious that all that can be done is blame Bush or deny the facts.

Health Care is at Heart of Long Term Debt Problem


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