Friday, October 7, 2011

Stem Cell Banking A good way to get protection against life ...

There is a new found hope for patients suffering from life threatening diseases. Stem cell therapies has shown a high degree of efficacy in treating various kind of diseases such as lymphomas, severe anemia, leukemia, and other inherited red cell (Erythrocyte) abnormalities. The unique property of stem cells to effectively regenerate into any kind of cells can be used to regenerate damaged body parts. They also effectively boost the body regenerative process to make up for the loss of cells in the body. In order to effectively use stem cells, various Stem Cell Banking facilities have been established as Cord Blood Storage can go a long way in providing protection to one?s baby and children in case there is need be in future. They offer to store the stem cells in Cryosave environments that effectively preserve the cells for life. Baby Cord is a rich source of stem cells. Umbilical cord up to now were simply severed and thrown after the delivery of the baby as they were found to have no use. But now woman can opt for saving the stem cells from the cord instead of letting it go as a waste. Cord Blood Banking facilities can be used to effectively draw the stem cells from the cord. The stems cells can then be stored in the name of concerned person who will have the sole right to use it.


Stem cell storage is still a very recent concept. Not many women are aware of it but the awareness is gradually improving among educated women. The need of the time is to spread the awareness in pregnant women through Pre-born education which up to now was limited to Pregnancy Tips. Information about stem cells should also be included in Pre-born education along with Pregnancy Tips as good to know information. Saving the Baby Cord will be a useful investment for future in case one?s baby or other child suffers from any of the life threatening disease that stem cell research promises to cure.? Apart from Baby Cord, menstrual blood is another rich source of stem cells.


Cord Blood Storage facilities are now being provided by different Stem Cell Banking organizations. They have special machines through which stem cells can be retrieved from the Umbilical Cord. They offer safe methods to store the stem cells in Cryosave environments that effectively guarantee to preserve the Babycell for life. The cost for storage is nominal as various cost effective procedure are used in storage. Since stem cell storage is still in its infancy not many storages centers may be are available. However, one can get more information about the exiting stem cell centers and check whether they provide collection facilities. Storing the Babycell from the umbilical cord is a golden chance to have secure protection against life threatening disease in future. This would be perhaps a good investment that women can do for their family. For more information about Cord Blood Banking , one can ask one?s gynecologist who will be happy to assist. One can also get information from online sites that offer information about stem cell research and storage.





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