Tags: abolish, Experts, financial, relief, solos, want
relief: FDP financial experts want to abolish solos
????????????????If some states opposed a tax cut, think about FDP politician after the deletion of solos. The go without them.
????????????????Because of the ongoing resistance of the provinces against tax cuts, leading FDP politicians to think about the abolition of the solidarity surcharge. ?If the states do not go our way want reasonable, then, the Bundestag may reduce the solidarity surcharge,? said the FDP financial expert Hermann Otto Solms, the ?Handelsblatt?.
???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????survey
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????????????????????????The tax coffers are overflowing. What is the policy making with the unexpected windfall?
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? result ????????????????????????????????????????????Answer 1:???????????????????? 32%
The tax cut
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Answer 2:???????????????????? 68%
reduce the budget deficit
????????????????????4970 votes cast????????????????????????
???????????????????????? ?????Shortening the solos were our Notalternative.? The tariff reduction with the reduction of cold progression but the absolute priority. The reduction or abolition of the solos would be the consent of the Bundesrat is not required.
????????????????????The FDP chief in North Rhine-Westphalia, Gerhard Papke goes one step further: ?The abolition of compulsory levy is more than 20 years after German unity is long overdue,? said Papke of the newspaper.
????????????????????liberal Bavaria?s Economics Minister Martin Zeil ?is the special tax has long been a misnomer, because the year about twelve billion euros will go straight into the federal budget and long gone are the building east benefit.?
???????????????????? ????????dispute over tax cuts
???????????????? ????????????????????
No issue has caused such frequent clashes between the CDU and FDP as the taxes. A look back:
???????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????26th October 2009:
In the coalition agreement, write laid CDU, CSU and FDP, that taxes should be ?simple, low and just? Until the next election is ?a particular tax relief for low and middle income areas. and be implemented for families with children ?in the amount of 24 billion ? per year. Already at 1.1. 2010, tax cuts come into force, ?as 1.1.2011? on tax reform, a sliding scale should be introduced.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
29th October 2009:
fights One day after taking office black and yellow already on the interpretation of the coalition agreement in matters of tax policy. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to tax relief, without wishing to commit to a time when the FDP wants to maintain the agreed timetable.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
9th November 2009:
The Federal Cabinet approves the Growth Acceleration Act, which for the first January will be in force. It is planned to increase among other things, the child tax credit and child benefit. In addition, there should be changes in the corporate and inheritance taxes. Especially the controversial plan, hoteliers through a reduced VAT rate on accommodation is to be relieved.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
mid-November 2009:
New dispute ? the CSU makes front against the target of the FDP fundamental restructuring of the tax system, notably the introduction of tariff levels.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
4 December 2009:
The Bundestag passed the law.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
18th December 2009:
The Bundesrat agrees. The law takes effect on 1 January 2010. Immediately afterward called the FDP more tax cuts, the union reluctantly adopt.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
13th January 2010:
Merkel statement: ?I am not questioning the tax structure reform. It is possible to implement the coalition agreement until 2011. That?s that. ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
13th March 2010:
The FDP is discontinuing its claim, necessarily reduce 2011 taxes. Secretary Christian Lindner speaks now of 2012. The background is the imminent adoption of the federal budget 2010 with record debt of 80 billion ?. Shortly thereafter, Lindner includes tax cuts permanently from 2011.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
25th April 2010:
The FDP adopted at its convention in Cologne, a concept that provides tax relief for 2012 of 16 billion ? and the introduction of a five-step tariff.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
6 May 2010:
According to federal tax estimates, states and municipalities do until 2013 with almost 39 billion euros less than anticipated in previous forecasts.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
10th May 2010:
Chancellor Merkel closes tax breaks ?for households in 2011 and 2012? Shortly after making the round of rumors, black and yellow check tax increases..???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
27th August 2010:
Finance Minister Wolfgang Sch?uble (CDU) wants tax cuts are not ruled by the end of its term.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
3 November 2010:
Merkel is tax simplification in view, but excludes from tax cuts until further notice.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
16th November 2010:
The Federal Court until at least 2014 sees no scope for tax cuts.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
22nd January 2011:
calls Once again Minister Rainer Br?derle (FDP) early tax cuts. You should be effectively decided in 2012 and 2013.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
12th May 2011:
According to tax assessment can Federal, state and local authorities expect in the years 2011 to 2014, with ? 135.3 billion more in revenue than forecast in November.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
22nd May 2011:
Sch?uble and the new economy minister and FDP leader Philipp R?sler lay representation on the coalition?s own internal dispute with the tax policy. ?During a long conversation with Philipp R?sler this week, we both agree we have become. The priority is fiscal consolidation, ?says Sch?uble.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
23rd May 2011:
Roesler said tax cuts in the current legislative period possible.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
9th June 2011:
The Bundestag passed the Tax Simplification Act 2011th This provides the possibility to submit tax returns only once every two years. In addition, increases the annual employee?s allowance, also known as advertising fee, from 920 to 1,000 ?.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
18th June 2011:
R?sler calls for tax relief that will be noticeable before the next election for the citizens.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
22nd June 2011:
According to a newspaper report that Merkel R?sler tax cuts had promised before the next election, clarifies government spokesman Steffen Seibert, that neither the date nor the nature nor the magnitude of relief like a decision was. The basic intention of lowering taxes reaps criticism from the opposition and several CDU prime minister.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
24th June 2011:
Union parliamentary leader Volker Kauder calls in addition to tax cuts, a reduction of social charges.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
25th June 2011:
FDP General Secretary Christian Lindner a discharge by a total of nine billion in 2013 as the target brand names.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
28th June 2011:
The Federal Finance Ministry warns against exaggerated hopes for tax relief.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
29th June 2011:
government spokesman says Seibert, a relief of the small and middle incomes will still be sought in this legislature. In the days to explain union leaders to take concrete decisions were made until the autumn.???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????????????????????
3 July 2011:
The party chairman of the CDU, CSU and FDP parties agree on the reduction of taxes and duties on 1 January 2013. A sum is not included in the agreement. A bill is set after the summer break details.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????
????????????????FDP financial expert Frank Sch?ffler?s own words, assume that there would be before the summer break an agreement between the party leaders over tax cuts. He also called for a ?Plan B? in case that the concept of a tax reform can not prevail with the federal states: ?The solidarity surcharge of twelve billion euros must then fall.?
???????????????????? ????????Black-Yellowplans tax cuts in election year
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