Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ten real estate marketing idea

First, regional marketing

"The most important factor in real estate development is the first location, second location, third or location!" Location marketing sense has long been recognized as the most real estate companies. However, the region to establish and implement the marketing concept of the real estate industry is still a new concept. Area real estate marketing ideas should include the following three levels: first, regional marketing. Such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other cities, as the region's economic development is inconsistent, the expected return of real estate investments will be different, the investment environment in various regions of the results of a comparative analysis of the decision of the investor's investment approach. Therefore, how the city or region marketing, and enhance regional preferences of investors, promote the region to become the primary conditions for real estate development. Regional marketing concept should mainly by government departments and industry associations to promote the comprehensive investment environment as the main content, comprehensive display of regional marketing advantage to win the investment intentions in the region. Second, the Area Marketing. Chun Xi Road, Chengdu, as presented, Luoma, Yanshikou three major business district; Shanghai's Xujiahui, Siping Road, Da Pu Qiao, Jiangsu Road Business Area and so on, due to historical reasons and urban planning requirements, has become a luxury real estate gather. Area Marketing Area first asked to form a particular business climate and then in turn promote a set of marketing. Here, have a common interest within the Area Marketing Enterprises group of developed jointly conducted an informal group of marketing the film area comprehensive plan, reflecting the overall marketing positioning Area, to find common market taste. Third, the location marketing. Area has been set in the trend in marketing trend, a set of corporate marketing activities will be developed independently, the main highlight is a disk feature.

Second, information marketing

"Zhiyizhibi, know yourself" is an immutable law of business war iron, but how to really do and to what extent do the "Zhiyizhibi", is a concrete and realistic problems. Who holds the information will come to mean to master the market. Information Marketing can be said that the next century, the core concept of marketing. Real estate development enterprises, during the course of the project demonstrated the feasibility study, information ownership (including the quantity and quality), and information processing method of choice will determine the correctness of the decision-making and science. Real estate development activities involve a wide range of Yiqi important feature, therefore, real estate information marketing not only includes information on their own internal analysis and control, but also for the region, the region's social, economic and cultural development of information Development Status competitor information, real estate market supply and demand information, the relevant departments of the real estate information direct and indirect effects of a comprehensive analysis and control. How to establish an effective "marketing information system" for real estate development business is vital for effective marketing of the information.

Third, competitive marketing

When the market is not saturated the market fewer competitors, demand for real estate development company analyzes the situation can make decisions. However, with the rapid development of the real estate industry, China's real estate development companies have sprung up everywhere, the competition for the limited effective demand for market competition. Over the past few years, many real estate development company analysis of market supply and demand conditions and decisions on many projects, but wait until the completion of the project development phase into the sales, only to find the original market has long been occupied by its competitors, which made a "marketing myopia disease "error. Therefore, development activities, research and analysis to the same market leader, challenger, follower and fill-in development trends and marketing state, accurate self-positioning and target market positioning, and effectively control the marketing process. Only in this way, it has a marketing strategy for the implementation of the targeted consumers and competitors. In a highly competitive market environment, gradually increase the quality of the business conditions, corporate profits or survival of the key points, is no longer able to count the changes in the market first, whether to meet market demand, but rather the ability to count In the above competitors, the ability to beat competitors.

Fourth, a comprehensive marketing

According to statistics, in 1994 and 1995, nearly 86 percent of Shanghai's marketing program is the price plan. In the real estate supply and demand structure is not rational, social insufficient effective demand of the industry situation, the implementation of pricing strategies to some extent, can really play an influential marketing purposes. However, development point of view, the decline in real estate prices can not be without a limit, real estate developer's profit level has been close to industry average. Into three-dimensional nature of real estate marketing, integrated marketing will be an inevitable overall trend. The four traditional marketing strategy. Namely: product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy and marketing strategy must be firmly positioned to gradually turn around the corporate image of the transition to a comprehensive marketing concept (now known as the theorists all major marketing or marketing).

Fifth, the whole process of marketing

In recent years, the marketing heat off the real estate sector, but mainly the latter part of development marketing efforts. Many marketing programs only for the developer to locate the property has been built with the promotion, marketing strategy and its essence is in the sales promotion. The true sense of the real estate marketing, development projects began with the siting, design, investment, construction, sales and property management throughout the development process of the whole process of marketing. It can be said of real estate marketing, the goal is participation and the depth of pre-planning, making it easy to project marketing. The number of effective market demand? What type of property is the market supply air point? The main competitor to supply and marketing actions? Development companies and property market positioning how? The launch of the property market trends and how, and so a series of problems, the feasibility of the project site certification and the time of writing the report should be injected into the whole process of marketing concepts, marketing staff with authority on the property market prospects and the prior forecast marketing plan report.

Sixth, the full marketing

"The best marketers are up to who? The president!" Marketing since the introduction of China, with China's rapid economic development, the importance of business quickly and play. We know that the marketing concept has completed at least humble hair from a seller to produce as the center of the transition to a buyer's market starting from the customer center, which necessarily requires the organization personnel and establish a full marketing idea. "Put your hand anywhere on the pulse on the market, anytime, anywhere to find the market, bringing the market, market, create market," which is an iron rule of the market! For real estate development companies, planners plan to make a report did not specify all of the problems is more important is a good plan in the back of the case, the whole company from managers to sales staff, finance staff to the Board of Directors are actively involved in controlling and implementing the program at the same time, planners must constantly changing market environment, according to an ongoing program of appropriate and timely adjustments. Real estate marketing involves a wide range of professionals involved in deep, while the face of the customer from the group to the individual, the characteristics of the civilian population from the rich to marketing, relying solely on the sales staff in order to complete the sale of real estate is not realistic, nor too likely. Therefore, to establish full marketing concept, extending within the organization and mobilize the enthusiasm of staff, in fact, embodies an open market to control the market, the marketing concept.

Seventh, professional marketing

Real estate marketing, service industries because of its specificity and buyers cautious nature, need to have strong macroeconomic analysis, real estate expertise, user psychology, public relations skills, legal knowledge and the overall quality of talent. China's real estate industry has experienced a period of not regulate the development stage, the real estate development business real estate professional with a comprehensive lack of knowledge, the formation of a low-level small and complete works. Many dozens or even a dozen development company employees, it is necessary to include the project investment, project development, property sales or property management, including work. With the development of the industry and the development of market segmentation, marketing ideas and establish professional imperative. Professional marketing concept requires not only the operation of mechanical professional development companies, but also the trend of segmentation in the industry gradually took shape under the professional market to support the real estate market system relies on the pattern. For the purposes of marketing content for residential, business room, office, industrial space, space tourism have special features such as marketing. For marketing purposes, to have a professional real estate advertising, real estate companies, property management companies, real estate consulting firm and other professional marketing company.

Eighth, service marketing

Well-known American economist things pointed out that the new competition has not occurred in the various enterprises in its factory in what products, but in what their products can provide additional benefits. When IBM's proposed "IBM means that the best service" and swept the world, we find that the concept of inter-service marketing marketing idea has been deeply penetrated the system. For real estate, property management is its management, administration, coordination of the three services, "integrating management into service in the service of improving business management" to serve as the core business philosophy. 1995 was regarded as China's real estate industry in property management, property management, service quality evaluation has become a bad business decision to develop an important factor in the performance of the property market. Number of senior commercial product positioning are all dependent on a higher level of property management to enhance their marketing taste. However, we should also see that China's real estate property management market, the market system as a factor in the market is far from mature. As a real estate development company, first identified the concept of service marketing, and implementing service strategy should be the future of one of the hot real estate marketing.

Ninth, brand marketing

"Brand" the word, is the high frequency of use of the business community in recent years one of the terms. "Marketing" in 1997 two "Chinese business war situation ten years," the article describes in detail the brand in the business of war status and influence. The large real estate special commodity will increasingly stand out in the real estate market, its brand essence, the marketing power of the road and competitiveness of the growing process, brand marketing, developers have increasingly been raised to a very important role . However, the real estate market of goods and unique, how accurate brand positioning, brand orientation to grasp how to guide owners, how to create a brand means that the real estate how to brand products and how to effectively implement and control real estate brand strategy, etc. problem, in terms of China's real estate sector are also new issues need to be solved.

Tenth, cultural marketing

"Real estate does not mean that steel and concrete. Brand behind the culture - the greater the cultural carrying capacity of the project, the greater the release of its benefits." This is southern Guangdong Shunde in China's real estate sector, creating the famous "Country Garden myth "Master Wang Zhigang planning famously. Indeed, the real estate as a special kind of marketing, plus steel and concrete is no longer just sell equipment, appliances, and also the owners of their own pursuit of performance, philosophy, fate and even a spiritual mapping. Cultural marketing of real estate operations, can explore the history and traditions, shaping the real estate product

Brand and personality, the art of rendering real estate atmosphere and mood, quality of life in real estate include references to demonstrate the strength of the developer or the development of ideas and so on.


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